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Rediscovering Russia Expedition Submissions Open until June 15th

Rediscovering Russia Expedition Submissions Open until June 15th
The Rediscovering Russia project invites universities, commercial and non-profit organisations to apply to organise and conduct student expeditions in 2023. Candidates can apply until June 15th, and the winning expeditions will receive financial and organisational support.

Architecture, Tourism, and Metallurgy in the Urals: HSE University Urban and Regional Development Students Return from Field Work

Architecture, Tourism, and Metallurgy in the Urals: HSE University Urban and Regional Development Students Return from Field Work
Every year, students who have just finished their second year of the Bachelor’s in Urban Planning of the Faculty of Urban and Regional Development (FURD) at HSE University undertake field work in various Russian regions. They get to know more about cities in detail, learn to identify what’s typical and unique about them, and apply primary data collection methods. This July, the students’ field studies took place in cities in the Urals.

THE Names HSE One of the Top 75 Young Universities

THE Names HSE One of the Top 75 Young Universities
HSE University has placed 66th in the Times Higher Education Young University Rankings 2022, which assess universities younger than 50 years old. The THE Young University Ranking is the first in a series of global rankings to be published in 2022.

70 participants from 17 countries took part in PFC Global Scholarship Competition

70 participants from 17 countries took part in PFC Global Scholarship Competition
On 26 April, students and specialists from Bangladesh, China, Ethiopia, Germany, Ghana, India, Iran, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Nigeria, Pakistan, United States, South Africa, Syria, Ukraine, Uzbekistan and Russia participated in the international online contest PFC Global Scholarship Competition.

11 recognized faces at Shukhov Lab Winter School

11 recognized faces at Shukhov Lab Winter School
On 1 and 2 February students from Moscow, Saint-Petersburg and Voronezh took part in Shukhov Lab Winter School ‘Face recognition in the city’. Within two days participants with Architecture, Urban Informatics, Sociology and Social Informatics, Soil Science, Political Science and Economics backgrounds created face recognition spoofing tool.

Belgian Student Combines Urban Planning and Slavic Studies at HSE University

Charlotte Rottiers
Charlotte Rottiers is a master’s exchange student from Ghent University (Belgium). This semester she is taking courses at HSE University on urban planning in the ‘Prototyping Future Cities’ Master’s Programme as well as courses on Russian language and culture in the Faculty of Humanities. HSE News Service spoke with Charlotte about her courses, living in Moscow, and her extensive weekend travels.

Moscow to Paris: Here, There, and Everywhere

Moscow to Paris: Here, There, and Everywhere
In early July, the fifth summer school organized by French association D’Est together with the HSE Vysokovsky Graduate School of Urbanism, with the support of the French Embassy in Russia and the Paris Mayor’s Office, was held in Paris. For 11 days, students of the HSE Master’s programme in Urban Development and Spatial Planning and members of Moscow’s Municipal Council learned about French urban development, local administration and the country’s participatory democracy.

First graduates of the GSU programme ‘Prototyping future cities’ got Master's degrees

First graduates of the GSU programme ‘Prototyping future cities’ got Master's degrees
11 graduates of the international Master’s programme got diplomas at Shukhov Lab

PFC graduates presented their projects to the President of the Republic of Tatarstan

PFC graduates presented their projects to the President of the Republic of Tatarstan
‘Prototyping future cities’ graduates and fellows of the grant of the president of the Republic of Tatarstan addressed the authorities of Moscow and Tatarstan in Zaryadye park at the Moscow Urban Forum.

First graduates of GSU Master’s programme ‘Prototyping future cities’ defended final projects

First graduates of GSU Master’s programme ‘Prototyping future cities’ defended final projects
On June 10 and 11 students of the Master's programme presented their dissertations to the international state examination committee.


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