Tag "monitoring studies"

Moscow Ranks among World’s Top Three Major Cities Implementing Effective Economic Policy During the Coronavirus Crisis

Moscow Ranks among World’s Top Three Major Cities Implementing Effective Economic Policy During the Coronavirus Crisis
Researchers from HSE University conducted a study of 15 of the world’s largest cities in Europe, Asia, and North America that assessed the cities’ labour market activity, post-quarantine economic recoveries, and the extent to which their digital infrastructures were prepared for the crisis. The study showed that Seoul and Shanghai, followed by Moscow, dealt with the crisis most effectively. Singapore and Stockholm ranked 4th and 5th, respectively.


of managers at industrial manufacturing companies in Russia are not holding out hope for positive changes in investment dynamics in 2016.


of representatives of small manufacturing companies who are prepared to take out long-term loans to develop and modernize their operations would agree to do so at rates comparable to the current rates of 18-21%.