Tag "publications"

A special issue 'Urban Standard and Norm and Their (Post)-Socialist Transformation' is edited by Nikolai Erofeev (Oxford University) and Marina Sapunova (HSE University).

A special issue 'Urban Standard and Norm and Their (Post)-Socialist Transformation': admission of articles extended till 14 October
The Russian Science Citation Index project has been officially launched. The best Russian academic journals are now compiled in a separate database on the Web of Science platform. The goal of the project is to integrate Russian academic journals into international networks for scientific information exchange. 649 journals have been included in the RSCI list based on bibliometric indicators and expert assessments.
The Graduate School of Urban Studies is launching an international peer-reviewed journal ‘Urban Studies in Russia’. We are currently preparing the first issue of the journal and we invite authors to submit work and cooperate with us. The journal will cover scientific articles dedicated to research into different processes on urban spatial structure, urban planning, and methods of urban studies.